
作者:Abe Rozenblum, 2022届毕业生
Is college independence making you feel adrift in your faith? CCA Class of 2022 alumnus Abe Rozenblum offers a roadmap for integrating Christian values into the whirlwind of university life. He shares his own journey of finding a community and provides practical steps to help college students stay connected and grow in their faith amid new experiences.


Let me begin by saying that I am continually thankful for the community of friends God has provided me in this time, 新旧兼备. The past two years of college have allowed me to have some of the most enjoyable moments of my life. 话虽如此, 在大学兴奋的旋风中, 与教会保持联系是最重要的. 

像我这样的, 许多大学生搬到了一个新的城市, 随之而来的是节奏的变化, 习惯, 和节奏. It is easy to be distracted by the newfound state of independence. 当我刚到中佛罗里达大学的时候, 我被大学的广阔所震撼. It seemed as though the potential to achieve anything you desired was limitless. 
“. . . 在大学兴奋的旋风中, 与教会保持联系是最重要的.”
在我的大学里, the first week of the fall semester is referred to as Opening Knight, which allows students to interact with the different opportunities that UCF has to offer. 在那段时间里, 我记得自己被各种各样的类似俱乐部淹没了, 组, 和组织. 决定哪一个对我来说是最好的是一个挑战. 

当时,我被邀请去了几家 不同基督教校园事工. 然而, 大多数校园牧师在同一天晚上开会, making it nearly impossible to try each of the clubs out in a short amount of time. 最终, 在跳了很长时间之后, 我开始每周参加青年生活的男子小组. Though it took quite some time to make my final decision, I am grateful for where I ended up. 

Here are the steps that helped me during this exploration process:

  1. 参加 

    The first step is always to show up – regardless if you want to or not. 参加 as many clubs as you can find until you find one you love. It’s perfectly acceptable if you are unaware of which one is best. 如果你不表现出来,你永远不会知道. 同样,在生活的这方面也要避免拖延.

    圣经对懒惰的后果提出了深刻的警告, 刚到大学的时候, seeking a Christian community is not something to procrastinate about. Whether it takes shape as a campus ministry or a local church, getting involved as soon as possible is incredibly important for believers who desire to stay rooted in their faith. This is also a great way to form life-long friendships, and I can say that from experience.
    “. . . 刚到大学的时候, seeking a Christian community is not something to procrastinate about.”
  2. 追求

    As I mentioned previously, it is normal to not know which group may be best for you. Truthfully, I had a bad experience at the first campus ministry I attended, and that is okay. Do not forget that the church is a collection of imperfect, forgiven sinners. 有时, 你会在艰难的夜晚遇到一些人, 但这不应该阻止你找到一个事工.

    Likewise, I would advise attending the ministry a few times before making a final judgment. This allows you to get a true feel for the community and environment. 在我的第一年, I attended four to five different campus ministries and nearly 10 churches before I found where I wanted to be.

  3. 辨别

    马太福音10:16教导我们要像蛇一样聪明. When determining which ministry to join, you must test what is being done against the Word of God. If at any point you feel uneasy about what is being taught, simply ask, 这和圣经相符吗? Ask your family, friends, or even former teachers about any concerning ideas. 我非常感谢CCA的老师和工作人员, 直到今天, 我可以随时打电话或发短信.

    另外一点, if a message makes us feel uneasy because it challenges the lifestyle we want to live, 这并不意味着它违背了神的话语. 上帝希望我们成为教会的学生,而不是批评家. Find a ministry that sharpens you unlike the outside world will. Proverbs 4:7 says it best, “the beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom.”
    “ Find a ministry that sharpens you unlike the outside world will.”
  4. 复制

    邀请你的朋友! After finding your campus ministry, there is more work to be done. 在奥兰多寻找牧师和教堂的时候, I first heard of YoungLife from a former UCF student and CCA alumni a few years older than me – Aaron Ridenour. 他邀请我去看看他的小团体, and his due diligence ultimately led to my involvement at YoungLife.

    说了这么多, it is each Christian’s responsibility to reach out to others going through a similar process, 信徒或非信徒. C.S. Lewis once said, “The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ.”

最后, I want to remind whoever is reading this that the Christian’s journey is not easy, 尤其是在大学里. 此外, 约翰福音15:18提醒我们,我们会有敌人, 然而, 要坚定你的信仰, 参与社区活动, 培养门徒,这样你就能获得智慧. 

“获得智慧胜过获得黄金。! 得聪明比得银子更蒙拣选.”
Abe Rozenblum graduated from Calvary Christian Academy 劳德代尔堡 in 2022 after attending for 10 years. He is going into his third year at the University of Central Florida as a member of the Burnett Honors College studying Finance.




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