Empowering Students with Emotional Regulation Strategies

By: Lou Zarro
在你的生活中,是否有学生感到焦虑不堪? With a staggering increase in anxiety among young people, 为他们提供有效的情绪调节策略比以往任何时候都更加重要. Lou Zarro, CCA Fort Lauderdale’s High School ESE Director, 分享有价值的见解和实用工具,帮助学生识别触发器, develop positive habits, and foster resilience in the face of challenges.

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与焦虑作斗争的学生人数持续上升, 我亲眼目睹了为他们配备有效的情绪调节工具的重要性. Research shows that anxiety can alter brain function, particularly in areas related to memory, decision-making, and emotional control. 这使得提供不仅能建立情绪弹性的策略变得至关重要, but also support cognitive health.

To address these needs, 我专门帮助人们突破局限的信念,用积极的态度重新连接他们的大脑, constructive thought patterns. Over the years, 我在劳德代尔堡的CCA和其他不同的环境中整合了这些策略, empowering both students and adults to better manage stress, anxiety, and negative thinking.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” –Philippians 4:8

The Link Between ADHD and Anxiety

许多人可能没有意识到多动症和焦虑之间的密切联系. 事实上,大约25%的多动症患者也会感到焦虑. The overlap in symptoms — such as difficulty focusing, restlessness, and sleep disturbances — can complicate diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, 通常为多动症开的兴奋剂药物有时会加剧焦虑, making it critical to monitor both conditions closely.

如果你注意到一个患有注意力缺陷多动症的学生,他总是在与焦虑作斗争, panic attacks, or a heightened sense of nervousness, 重要的是要考虑焦虑是否也在起作用. 了解这种共病有助于我们根据个人的具体需求量身定制我们的支持.

Symptoms of Anxiety

无论是在教室还是在家里,焦虑都会以各种方式表现出来. 认识到这些症状是获得有效支持的第一步. Common signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) include:

  • Excessive worrying
  • Persistent negative thoughts
  • Restlessness or irritability
  • Muscle tension, often leading to headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Trouble sleeping or staying asleep

By identifying these behaviors early, 我们可以用适当的策略进行干预,减轻压力,促进情绪健康.


  1. Recognize Your Triggers

    管理焦虑最有效的方法之一就是找出它的触发因素. Encourage students to keep a journal, noting the situations that provoke anxiety and how they respond. 理解这些模式可以使学生以更强的自我意识和控制力来应对挑战.

  2. Develop Daily Power Habits

    After recognizing triggers, 重要的是要养成能促进冷静和自信的日常习惯. For me, 在烛光下安静地祈祷片刻,或者沿着海滩平静地散步,都能帮助我重新调整心态. 对其他人来说,写日记、听音乐或锻炼等活动也能带来类似的好处. 鼓励学生发现并实践自己的“权力习惯”,可以显著减轻压力,提高情绪调节能力.

  3. Set Positive Intentions Each Day

    以积极的心态开始每一天可以改变学生的情绪面貌. I suggest starting with three questions. 这些反思性问题有助于将注意力从焦虑转移到成长和积极的心态上:

    • What kind of person do I want to be today?
    • Who are the people who influence me the most?
    • What routines can I develop to bring more joy into my day?

  4. Use Neuroart to Address Limiting Beliefs

    Neuroart 是一种强大的治疗艺术工具,通过将限制性的信念转化为积极的想法来帮助大脑重新布线吗. 研究表明,大脑处理视觉刺激比处理口头语言要快, making art a valuable tool for change. I’ve seen its transformative effects firsthand.

    For instance, 我最近辅导过一个学生,他对自己的学习成绩感到自我怀疑. Through neuroart, 我们探索了他的情感障碍,并确定了他以前没有认识到的支持系统. 这个过程不仅改变了他的心态,也大大减少了他的焦虑.

  5. Incorporate Techniques in the Classroom and at Home

    In my role as High School ESE Director at CCA Fort Lauderdale, 我的团队利用各种技术来帮助学生管理焦虑和调节他们的情绪, including:

    • Box Breathing: 一个简单的呼吸练习,平静神经系统,帮助学生重新集中注意力.
    • Visualization: 鼓励学生想象积极的结果或宁静的环境来减轻压力.
    • Pebble or Stone: 教学生评价一个问题是小“卵石”还是大“石头”。, helping them better gauge the severity of their challenges.
    • Movement Breaks: 短暂的休息伸展或散步可以释放积累的紧张和恢复注意力.

By integrating these strategies, we can empower students to take control of their anxiety, build emotional resilience, and foster a mindset geared toward positive, productive outcomes.

As parents and educators, 认识到这些挑战并提供帮助学生在情感和学业上茁壮成长的工具和支持是至关重要的. 我们可以共同为每一位学生创造一个更健康、更赋权的环境.

Lourdes Zarro是各各他基督教学院劳德代尔堡校区的高中ESE主任. Having begun her career in 1989, 卢尔德有超过30年的经验,帮助家庭应对与注意力缺陷障碍相关的挑战, Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Varying Exceptionalities. As a parent, 她经历过有一个有学习障碍的孩子所带来的快乐和挑战. 她将艺术作为一种工具,通过将限制性信念转化为积极的想法,帮助儿童/成人和老年人重新连接他们的大脑.

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